Saturday, July 25, 2020


Handling criticism: How to deal with ciritisim in a positive way ...

Why CRITICISM is powerful?

 When analyzed from this perspective, you would know that insult and criticism stays longer time compared to praise and compliments.

Insults strike directly at a person's feelings, self-esteem, pride, identity and ego. So, no matter why an insult happens or how it happens or when it happens, the truth of the matter is it will leave a scar.

Criticism when done thoughtfully, it is a valid tool that helps people to improve as a person.

- it is very common issue that we would have faced in the stage of beginner, yes when you learn or sit in your first desk to work or it could be anything that you want to do giving your whole and soul at times you tend to make mistakes, error and the result is sometimes worse, not up to the mark and people tend to criticize using hurtful words with their venom tongue.

And with today interconnected online world, the opportunity to receive criticism are greater than ever with unpleasant consequences.

 But I often prefer, we should consider this pain (insult) as fuel and keep running. Because if this pain is in heart, it pinches and feeds your ego eventually makes you emotionally weaker and you can’t proceed further, so keep the pain in mind which is to think before act, use it as fuel it gives energy to work hard than you are now.

 It is never easy but the matter of time that gives us sense to understand, yes it has happened with me and I should think twice before I work. Have that sense of acknowledgement.

Embarrassment is the result of insult, so one thing we should learn from these generation kids, "just chill man" they aren't stressed like us, and they are more of positivity and good vibes like they handle negativity very well. They encourage with positive words to their friends. It's never too late to grab any new quality, so when you feel embarrassed over some experience, just feel it’s okay and be confident. 

It's okay we all are humans we tend to make mistakes.

Learn to pamper yourself, you are important and precious.

Stay strong mind

Remember your attitude matters when you deal with your problems, so never advertise your feelings and emotions in public. 

Stay strong!

Cheers to open mind and happy reading!



The Concept of Sometimes

The purpose of writing this blog to understand the psychology of our mind, how it makes us feel sometimes. Since the day I drafted this, I k...